July 2023

Applying Design Thinking in Software Development: A Holistic Approach

Introduction In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the success of software products hinges not only on their technical capabilities but also on their ability to meet the needs and expectations of end users. This user-centric approach is where design thinking comes into play. Design thinking, a problem-solving methodology that originated in design, has gained significant […]

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Advancing from Beginners: Reducing Costs and Start your Cloud Cost Management! (Part 2/2)

Welcome back! We’re thrilled to continue our exploration of cost management in this next article. If you’ve been following along, we’ve already covered some crucial errors to avoid and valuable insights on optimizing cloud costs. Now, let’s dive into the remaining key considerations for effective cost management. This article pick up from where we left

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Advancing from Beginners: Reducing Costs and start your Cloud Cost Management! (Part 1/2)

In the ever-evolving world of cloud computing, organizations face numerous challenges when effectively managing their cloud costs. From making unrealistic cuts to failing to embrace innovation, these pitfalls can hinder cost optimization efforts and impact the overall success of a business. However, by understanding and addressing these challenges head-on, organizations can confidently navigate the complex

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